Construction Simulator guide: How to speed up a job

Construction Simulator offers plenty of different activities and jobs that range from pouring cement to ripping up roads and lifting prefab walls. Depending on the contracts you pick up, you might end up doing something as simple as digging out holes for new potted plans, or you could end up constructing an entire house from its starting foundation stage.

For these more complex jobs, you’ll have quite a few steps to complete from start to finish. If you ever find yourself in a time crunch, there are loopholes that can get you out of work, so to speak. Here are a few of them.

Making ‘company time’ your time

Alter the job scope

Before you accept a large contract, take a gander at the Job Scope subsection, located to the bottom left corner. Here, you can alter the scope from Low to Medium or High.

The lowest scope gives you less of a load to bear. It doesn’t remove any steps, but you will have less of a single task to do. For example, if the job had you moving earth, the required amount will decrease. While this is a great way to cut down on the job duration, it comes at the cost of your reward.Construction Simulator Pc Changing Job Scope (copy)

You’ll earn less money and experience points, so consider the Medium option to have a more balanced experience. The High setting is great for reaping a huge sum of money and XP from a single contract, especially if you want to build your bank account and skill points as quickly as possible.

Cut corners

While taking shortcuts in a real construction job is never a good thing, Construction Simulator doesn’t really frown upon it.

If you ever find yourself doing a part of a job that’s either taking too long or you can’t figure out how to proceed, that specific part of the entire contract can be skipped. Using house building as an example, the early sections will have you moving earth and then pouring cement for the foundation.

Construction Simulator Pc Skip Task (copy)

Earthmoving can be a bit finicky, so if you’re stuck, you can just skip this section. The game will auto complete it for you, allowing you to proceed with the rest of the build.

While this is a handy feature, again, it comes at the expense of rewards. You don’t earn all of your rewards for a job at its completion. Rather, you’re paid at the end of each stage of a job. So, returning to the house building example, earthmoving will earn you some of the rewards, and cement mixing will earn you more.

When accepting a contract with numerous sections, look at the breakdown to see how much money each section is worth. A combination of the projected earnings is the total that you see displayed before accepting a contract.

Construction Simulator Pc Materials Store

Shop fast

Before you can properly begin any job, you’ll need to get your equipment to the construction site. Depending on the kind of job, you might need only one or two machines. But, more complex jobs will require a wide variety.

Depending on how far the construction site is from the vehicle dealer, materials store, Gravel Plant, and other resource hubs, fast traveling might be worth it, even though it comes at a monetary cost. Still, driving to and from each resource hub adds a lot of extra time to the gameplay session. For instance, the materials store can send all of the needed supplies directly to the construction site, but for another monetary cost.

Construction Simulator Pc 2022 (1)

As you can tell, all of these suggestions will literally cost you in the end. To help, you can take a look at our money guide to find out how to save your funds and quickly make more of them.

Construction Simulator guide: How to speed up a job
Source: Showbiz Celeb Central

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