Genshin Impact: Fellflower and Vanquisher’s Emblem Guide

The Shadows Deepen, the next phase of the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event in Genshin Impact, leads you to an encounter against an impostor masquerading as Albedo. As you progress, you’ll eventually do battle against a gigantic foe. Here’s our Genshin Impact guide to help you defeat the Fellflower boss to obtain Vanquisher’s Emblems.

Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event.

Genshin Impact Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event guide – The Fellflower and Vanquisher’s Emblems

Defeating the Fellflower

Your first bout against the Fellflower boss in Genshin Impact is part of The Shadows Deepen. However, it’ll also become a repeatable challenge task once you’re done with the quest. Here are the mechanics:

  • Arcane Fruits – The first phase of this fight has the Fellflower completely shielded. To break its defenses, you’ll need to destroy the Arcane Fruits (i.e., large red crystals thrown out one at a time). The Arcane Fruits also have certain attack patterns, such as crashing down on the ground or firing projectiles.
  • Arcane Essence – After an Arcane Fruit is destroyed, around three Arcane Essences (i.e., smaller crystals) will spawn. Pick these up to prevent the boss from assimilating them and replenishing its shield.
  • Fellflower Attacks – From time to time, the boss will do the following attacks:
    • Avalanche – White circles will appear on the ground. After a second, ice blocks will crash down.
    • Rolling Snowballs – Three snowballs will get summoned, rolling outward and hitting you.
    • Cryo Slime – At least one large Cryo Slime will be spawned during the fight.

Genshin Impact Fellflower Vanquisher's Emblems Shadows Amidst Snowstorms The Shadows Deepen 1a

Once the Fellflower’s shield has been fully depleted, it’ll shrink and you’ll start the second phase. This is when you can nuke it, though it does have a couple of notable attacks, too:

  • Snowball Throw  – It’ll throw several snowballs in quick succession.
  • Flower Turret – The bulb will follow you around and shoot projectiles.
  • Burrow – The Fellflower will go underground before popping back up.

Genshin Impact Fellflower Vanquisher's Emblems Shadows Amidst Snowstorms The Shadows Deepen 1c

Vanquisher’s Emblem Tasks and Event Shop

Each time you beat the Fellflower in Genshin Impact, you’ll receive 300x Vanquisher’s Emblems. The currency can be used in the Trial Trophies event shop panel (more on this in a while). There are also additional objectives that you can do if you check the Rise of the Fellflower panel. Each task nets you 120x Vanquisher’s Emblems, 2x Hero’s Wit, and 20,000x mora:

  • Destroy the Arcane Fruits and defeat the Fellflower – This just means beating it normally.
  • Interrupt the snowball attack – Destroy an Arcane Fruit while the Fellflower is using its snowball attack to interrupt the casting animation.
  • Defeat the Fellflower without allowing it to absorb Arcane Essence – Just be quick when grabbing the Arcane Essence after an Arcane Fruit is destroyed.
  • Don’t get hit by its subterranean attacks – It seems that this refers to its burrowing attack, so just move away when it goes underground.
  • Don’t get hit by the Arcane Fruits’ hammer strikes – It seems that this refers to the jumping attacks that the Arcane Fruits tend to do. You can run away from the red circles that appear to avoid getting hit.
  • Defeat four monsters created by the Arcane Fruits – At least one large Cryo Slime gets spawned, so make sure you take it out before killing the Fellflower. Just repeat this across four encounters to complete the tally.

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As for the event shop, there are several rewards that you can pick up using Vanquisher’s Emblems:

Item Vanquisher’s Emblem Cost Purchase Limit
Crown of Insight 500 1
Alkahest – Used as a refinement material for the Cinnabar Spindle 400 2
Blue/3-star talent booklets (Freedom, Resistance, and Ballad) 20 6
Purple/4-star talent booklets (Freedom, Resistance, and Ballad) 60 2
10,000 mora 10 50

You should be able to receive two more Alkahest pieces. These will allow you to boost the Cinnabar Spindle sword up to refinement rank 5 (R5).

Gen Pct Shdamsn D2 Vnq Ffl 2

Genshin Impact is available via its official website. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.

Genshin Impact: Fellflower and Vanquisher’s Emblem Guide
Source: Showbiz Celeb Central

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